Note: We do not make or sell automotive dashboard gauges. Thank you.
Visual Aids Speed Maintenance & Add Safety
Suggestions from a maintenance professional for point-of-use maintenance information delivered by
visual aids and equipment manuals.
Safety Zone Reflective Glow Gauge®
The Safety Zone Reflective Glow Gauge® with easy-view operating range markers was designed to allow anyone viewing the pressure gauge the ability to easily determine and judge if operating conditions have become abnormal.
Anyone can easily customize each “safe operating zone” simply by setting tabs located outside the gauge lens face. These tabs are given green retro-reflective enhancements and allow many different types of operating zones to be indicated. Minimum and maximum limits can be indicated and set apart at acceptable and safe operating pressures or temperatures; or, all the way apart for more relaxed operating zones, depending upon each application – On the spot customization!
This remarkably easy solution permits anyone viewing the gauge, up close in the light of day; or far away in lowlight conditions, to easily see if the process is operating in the “Safe Zone” as set during gauge installation. (A valuable benefit for out-of-the-way gauges up on catwalks, pipelines, and in contaminated areas, etc.)
According to ASME B40.1 pressure gauge specifications 4.3.1: “The pressure gauge selected should have a full scale pressure such that the operating pressure occurs in the middle half (25% to 75%) of the scale. The full scale pressure of the gauge selected should be approximately two times the intended operating pressure.”
The Safety Zone Reflective Glow Gauge® is a visual guide that will assist operators in choosing and installing the proper pressure range per ASME B40.1 for the application due to tabs only in this “middle half of scale” (4.5” Process Gauge). This will help to reduce gauge wear and fatigue, and minimize hazardous situations because the correct pressure range is installed.
Furthermore, by visually displaying the specific operating range specified for that application and alerting anyone viewing the gauge that the pressure is above or below normal, they can take immediate action to correct it. (T.P.M. “visual systems” compliance)
The pointer appears the standard black color and it has been given a retro-reflective enhancement which reflects silver when illuminated by a flashlight held at eye level. The green tabs also are retro-reflective. This allows anyone, from a great distance (up to 150 feet!), to easily see and determine if the gauge pressure is in the safe operating zone specific for that process.
Additionally, with a charge from a flashlight, ambient light, or sunlight, the gauge dial will glow-in-the-dark to allow operators and technicians to monitor pressure readings while performing their maintenance tasks nearby.
(Available on our Bi-Metal Thermometers too!...Call us for price and availability)